Ideal Places To Install A GPS Tracker In A Car

Ideal Places To Install A GPS Tracker In A Car

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of improvising the protection of your car? The answer can vary from one person to another. For instance, one may answer vehicle insurance and for others, maybe install a car alarm. 

But add one more thing to this list. What? GPS tracker. You can find different types of devices in the market- portable, hardwired and plug-in-play units. You can select one of those as per your convenience and need. 

Read this article by GPSTracker247 to know the ideal places to install a GPS tracker. So let us get started. 

With the help of the tracker, you can always know the whereabouts of your car in real time. Also, with features like motion alerts, geofence, driver safety reports, and vehicle health reports, you can optimize the car and improve its lifeline. 

In case of theft, you can share the location details with the police to trace your car. Additionally, one of the unknown benefits of the GPS tracker is a discount on insurance premiums. Yes, you have heard right. The insurance company charges you less than others if you have a GPS tracker in your car. 

Before you choose which GPS tracker is good for you, you should learn about different places where you can install the device. Why? Because it will help you to satisfy the intent of tracking. For example, if you want to keep an eye on the driving skill of your new teen driver, you will have to install the device in a hidden place so that they cannot spot it and complain to you for invading their privacy. 

Ideal Places To Install A GPS Tracker In A Car

Ideal Places To Install A GPS Tracker In A Car


If privacy is not a concern for you, the OBD-II port is the best place to attach the device. Why? Because you will not have to worry about the battery life. Additionally, you can get vehicle diagnostic reports straight from the engine. 

Within the Dash

If you have a hardwired GPS tracker, you can securely attach it under the dash. 

Front/Rear Bumper

You can also hide your tracker inside the front or rear bumper. It is an ideal place if you want to protect the device from thieves and ensure no one can dispose of it without your permission. But it is a complicated process, and you will have to deal with different wires. And therefore, it is best to call for technical assistance to install in this place. 

Wheel Wells

Do you know you can hide the GPS hardware inside the wheel well? No, right. And this is why it is another place where you can attach the device to protect it from prying eyes. All you need is a device with an in-built magnet or magnetic case. 

Under Carpets

You can also hide the tracker under the carpet. But not in a place that is easily accessible. But in the corners or under the seats. 

Inside the seat cover

You can also be creative and hide the tracker inside the seats. You will have to remove the cushioning material and place the device. But never hide it in the middle but on the sides as the person sitting in the middle will face discomfort. 

The Position Of The Trunk 

You can attach the GPS tracking device to the trunk. 

In The Door Partition

Another creative way to hide the GPS tracker is in the door partition. No one would imagine that you have attached the device over there. 

Rearview Mirror Inside

You can even secure the device inside the rearview mirror. 

Glove box

You can place the portable GPS tracker inside the glove box too. 

Speaker compartment

Inside the central console of the automobile

Behind the seats

You can attach the portable unit behind the passenger seats.

Beneath the seats 

You can attach the portable GPS tracker under the seats if you want to enjoy discreet tracking.

Clipped To The Sun Visor

If you don't want to hide the device and need a GPS device for convenience, you can attach the device to the sun visor. 

Under The Car

You can attach the device under the car if you have a GPS tracker with an in-built magnet. But to do that, ensure that the hardware is waterproof and dust-resistant. 

Rear Window Panel

Another safe and discreet place to attach your GPS tracker is the rear window panel. You can place the device between the carpeted panel and support frame and enjoy coveted tracking. 

Other places :

  • Over the car roof
  • Inside Plastic Bumper
  • Under Bug Shield
  • Under Brake Light Cover

Things To Consider While Installing A GPS Tracker

  • You may think you should only attach the device to a hideous spot if you are tracking someone without their consent. But this is not the whole truth. 

With the growing use of GPS trackers, thieves have also become accustomed to them. Before they put their hands into any car, they look for the tracking device and try to remove them. If you have placed the tracker in an easily accessible place, they will remove it, and the whole purpose of purchasing the tracker will go in vain. Hence you should attach the device to a place not easy to spot or remove.

  • Portable devices have an in-built battery. You will have to remove them periodically to charge them and then place them again. Therefore never attach the device to a place that is not easy to access. 
  • If you can avoid going through the whole process repeatedly, invest in a GPS tracker with long-lasting battery life. 
  • Never place the tracker near the fuel tanks or their pipes.
  • Attach the device to a clean & flat surface away from dirt or debris. Why? Because they can interfere with the GPS reception and hinder its capabilities to provide accurate location updates.
  • Never place the device in glass, rubber, fiberglass, carpets, plastics, etc., as it can make it difficult for them to receive signals. 
  • Before you give a green thumb to any place, test the tracker to ensure that the device delivers accurate updates. 

How To Install A GPS Tracker?

How To Install A GPS Tracker

Portable Units

  • Take out the device and read the instruction manual from the box.
  • Switch on the device and check the LED lights.
  • Now configure the mobile application and take the device for a test drive. 
  • If everything works fine, place the device at your will.
  • If the tracker has an in-built magnet or a magnetic case, attach them to any metallic surface. 

Plug-in-play GPS Tracker 

You can install a plug-in-play tracker in minutes. All you have to do is plug the device into the OBD-II port, configure the mobile application, select the plan, and enjoy real-time tracking! 

Hardwired GPS Tracker 

You will have to follow several steps to install a hardwired GPS tracker. If you have basic automotive knowledge, you can install it with ease.

  • Remove the plastic lower dashboard cover of your vehicle and locate the ignition wire & constant power wire. 
  • Attach the 12-VDC power source to the red wire of the tracker. 
  • Use the poke and wrap technique while attaching the wiring harness to the transceiver. 
  • Now attach the white wire of the device to the ignition or accessory wire of the car. 
  • Lastly, connect the ground wire to the ground wire of the device. 
  • Secure the hardware with the double-sided tape under the dashboard. 

But it is advised that you should use professional help for best results. Also, to get insurance premiums discounts, you need the help of experts while installing the device. 

If you are looking for a car tracking device, here is a list of the 10 Best GPS Trackers for Cars that you should definitely check out.

Different Types Of GPS Tracker

Portable GPS tracker

Portable GPS trackers are compact GPS devices made for personal use. They are wireless; therefore, you can attach them anywhere in the car to enjoy real-time location tracking. 

Hardwired GPS tracker

A hardwired GPS tracker is directly attached to the engine of the vehicle. The installation takes half an hour to complete but requires professional assistance. 

If you want to enjoy coveted tracking or ensure that no one can remove the GPS tracker without your permission, this is the ideal GPS device for you. 

Plug-in-play Units 

Plug-in-play GPS tracker derives power from the engine of your vehicle. Plug the device into the OBD-II port, and the tracker will start working. 

Every car made after 1996 has an OBD-II port. You can find it under the side dash, above the brakes, or beneath the steering wheel. These devices are easy to install or remove. You can use an extension cable to hide the device to enjoy discreet tracking. But generally, it is not an ideal tracker for hidden tracking. 

Want to learn about other types of GPS trackers? Find out now to know more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a GPS tracker and how does it work in a car?

A GPS tracker is a device that uses GPS technology to determine the location of a vehicle. It works by receiving signals from GPS satellites and transmitting that information to a central server or smartphone app.

Why would I want to install a GPS tracker in my car?

There are many reasons to install a GPS tracker in your car, such as tracking the location of a stolen vehicle, monitoring the driving habits of a teen driver, or keeping tabs on the location of a company vehicle.

Where are the best places to install a GPS tracker in a car?

The best places to install a GPS tracker in a car are generally hidden areas that are difficult for thieves to find and remove. These may include under the dashboard, in the trunk, or behind the bumper.

Are there any legal considerations when installing a GPS tracker in a car?

In most cases, it is legal to install a GPS tracker in your own vehicle, as long as you own the car and have consent from any other drivers who may use it. However, it is important to check local laws and regulations to ensure that you are not violating any privacy or surveillance laws.

What features should I look for in a GPS tracker for my car?

When choosing a GPS tracker for your car, consider features such as real-time location tracking, geofencing capabilities, battery life, and compatibility with your smartphone or other devices. You may also want to consider additional features such as speed alerts, engine diagnostics, and tamper alerts to ensure that you are getting the most out of your device.

Final Words 

A GPS tracker can protect your car from theft. You can also use them for other purposes, such as- to monitor the driving behavior of your loved ones, ensuring the safety of your elderly parent, providing immediate assistance to your family in an emergency, etc.

But to enjoy all of the above features, you need to ensure that the GPs device is securely attached to a good spot. You can take any of the above suggestions to place the tracker or find a new one. 

Also, if you are looking for ways to remove a GPS tracker then here are the easy ways to remove a tracker from your vehicle.

If you have any unique ideas, do let us know in the comment section below. 

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