accuracy of gps tracking devices

How Accurate Are Your GPS Tracking Devices?

Modern GPS devices can pinpoint locations with an accuracy of 5-7 meters, and high-precision models can narrow it down to just one meter. Utilizing signals from at least four satellites, these devices provide consistent and reliable location data about 95% of the time. 

Curious about how accurate GPS tracking devices really are? Whether you’re a parent keeping tabs on your child or a business owner managing a fleet, GPS technology delivers impressive precision. In this article, we’ll dive into how GPS accuracy works and how you can leverage it to ensure the safety and effective tracking of what matters most.

What Is The Precision of GPS Tracking Devices?

GPS tracking devices use a network of satellites and ground-based receivers to find your location with high precision. The accuracy of these devices mostly depends on how many satellites are in view and the quality of the GPS receiver. Generally, GPS devices can show locations accurately within 5 to 10 meters (16 to 33 feet), but this can vary.

gps tracking device precision

High-end GPS devices can be very accurate, sometimes within 1 meter (3 feet), especially when used for specialized purposes like surveying. The accuracy may be affected by factors such as interference from satellite signals, atmospheric conditions, and the quality of the GPS receiver.

When selecting a GPS tracking device, consider the level of accuracy needed for your specific purpose. This could be for personal safety, tracking assets, or any other use.

Types of GPS Tracking Devices and Their Precision Levels

Global Positioning System devices can be classified into two types based on the perfection levels and corresponding application criteria. The two types are:

Types of GPS Tracking Devices and Their Precision Levels

Consumer-Grade GPS Device

  • These are the most common form of navigational tools in the form of handheld devices like phones, watches, etc., offering a convenient mode of operation.
  • If you or your family member require navigation support while driving, biking, boating, or trekking, these devices are ideal solutions. 
  • These devices are best for personal tracking where a high degree of professional accuracy is not required but provide adequate support in location tracking of your teens and dear ones.
  • These devices can provide affordable yet reliable solutions to meet your needs for monitoring the movement of kids, pets, and vehicles.

Professional-Grade GPS Device

  • As the name suggests, these devices are used in professional activities such as surveying, construction, research work, and explorations.
  • These are designed to provide precise location information up to a few centimeters.
  • PGPS are usually expensive and have rugged designs to withstand extreme weather conditions like heat, cold, water, and dust.
  • These devices work in sync with software support for collecting, processing, analyzing data, and providing precise information. 

Here are a few more types of GPS tracking devices you might want to check out.

Pros and Cons of GPS Tracking

If we start analyzing the features of both types, we will have a fair idea about the pros and cons of each type. Now, it’s your call to utilize the positive aspects and minimize disadvantages by carefully selecting the applications. Let's take a look at some of the advantages and disadvantages: 

Type of Device Pros Cons
Consumer-Grade GPS
  • Easily available in electronic stores
  • Less Expensive
  • User-friendly application
  • A moderate degree of precision
  • Most suitable for personal and vehicle tracking
  • Widely used for navigation support during driving, biking, hiking, etc.
  • Not suitable for high-precision tracking
Professional-Grade GPS
  • Provides position information with a high degree of precision
  • Durable design and weather resistant
  • Suitably used for surveying and research activities
  • Synchronizes with advanced software for processing and analyzing information
  • Not user-friendly
  • Requires training for operation and used by professional people
  • Generally sold by high-end and licensed sellers
  • The cost is significantly more

GPS Device Error Margin

A Global Positioning System device can show location mapping with a certain degree of accuracy, varying from a few meters to a few centimeters depending on the device type and design. The error margin is nothing but the deviation in the distance when determining the device location. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • These devices may experience a certain amount of error in location reading due to factors such as satellite locations, atmospheric interferences, and the quality of the GPS receiver.
  • Selecting the correct device suitable for the application is essential to minimize the effect of the error margin on location tracking.
  • The error margin of these devices can be misleading for very accurate location tracking, and although it may be insignificant for some people, it matters a lot to others.
  • Larger Global Positioning System error margins during vehicle navigation can be dangerous in unknown places or adverse weather conditions, while error margins within a few meters are safer. 

GPS Signal Strength

Global Positioning System satellites transmit radio signals that are crucial in accurately determining the location of a person or vehicle on Earth. The power of these flashes, as the receiver captures, is crucial in providing precise location information. It means the higher the strength, the more accurate the position measurement.

It is a crucial factor because weak signal strength can lead to erroneous location information and, in extreme cases, no data at all. The advanced designs incorporate sophisticated receivers that enhance signal power and ensure positional accuracy. 

How does GPS Signal Strength Affect GPS Tracking Accuracy?

The Global Positioning System signal strength determines how well the satellites establish communication with the GPS signal-receiving device. Suppose you live in densely populated areas with high structures or near other same-frequency waves. In that case, signal obstruction and interference can lead to reduced strength. Consequently, you may get different location data for your asset, vehicle, or teen members. 

Factors Affecting the Accuracy Of GPS Tracking Devices

Global Positioning System devices work with a high degree of location tracking precision, but still, there are chances that accuracy may be affected. So what causes the tracking to go wrong? 

There are a variety of factors that can impact GPS signals as these are being transmitted from space to the ground. The following section will discuss how these factors interfere with signal transmission and affect accuracy.

Factors Affecting the Accuracy Of GPS Tracking Devices

Signal Strength

The GPS signals transmitted by the satellites must make their way through several layers of the atmosphere before communicating with the device's receiver. While traveling this large distance and before reaching the receiver, the flash might get affected by several interferences that can cause a reduction in its strength.

The various reasons behind reduced signal strength are as follows:

  • The flashes traveling through different layers of the atmosphere can result in reduced strength and make it difficult for the receiver to track the position of the devices accurately. 
  • When it reaches the lowermost layer of the atmosphere or troposphere, it might face the adverse effects of rain, snow, and clouds, which can reduce the strength of these flashes.
  • Sometimes these signals interfere with physical structures near the Earth's surface before reaching the receiver. This can cause distortion and a reduction in signal strength. 

Atmospheric Condition

The Global Positioning System device can provide highly accurate location tracking, but unpredictable atmospheric and weather conditions can affect its signal accuracy. Rain, snow, and stormy weather can weaken or delay the signal transmission from the satellite to the receiver, resulting in a drop in accuracy levels. 

In cold weather conditions, battery-operated devices emit less power, which can degrade the signals. Environmental factors such as solar activity, ionosphere disturbances, and other interferences can cause distortion, delay, and interruption of signals, leading to inaccuracies in location tracking. 


Have you wondered how sometimes your perfectly fine Global Positioning System device does not offer accurate readings? Well, one reason for this is that physical obstructions can interfere with GPS receivers' signals to determine location. When signals bounce off buildings, trees, or other structures on the ground, they can get distorted or delayed. This can cause errors in the location information that the receiver receives, making it difficult to pinpoint your exact location.

Some obstructions that can lead to signal interference include tall buildings, other structures, and natural obstacles such as mountains, trees, and deep valleys. 

It means that in a situation where the barriers mentioned above are in the way of signals, or even if you are going through a tunnel, there are chances that the Global Positioning System coordinates you receive are less accurate. 


GPS signals can be disrupted by interference from various sources, leading to inaccurate positioning data. Some common sources of signal interference are radio-frequency devices, jamming devices, and electromagnetic interference. Radio-frequency devices that emit signals with matching frequencies to signals can interfere with it. 

Deliberate use of illegal jamming devices can also disrupt GPS tracking, leading to inaccurate location data. Electromagnetic interference from power lines, transformers, or other electrical equipment can distort signals and affect accuracy. 

Hardware Quality

Sometimes, the tracking system generates inaccurate results due to the quality and reliability of the hardware device used. The design and quality of a tracker can significantly impact the accuracy of data regarding the location and movements of objects or persons. 

Some of the hardware-related factors that affect the accuracy of data are as follows:

  • The hardware devices with the most sensitive receivers can capture data accurately and provide you with the exact location information.
  • Devices with more efficient processing capabilities will function much faster to give you the location data.
  • If your device is updated or has poor reception capabilities, it can only receive high-accuracy and efficiency signals. 
  • Regular updates improve system accuracy.

Software Algorithms

The Global Positioning System devices can work effectively in sync with software that processes and analyzes satellite data and provides location information. Some of the critical aspects of software algorithms to help generate accurate data are as follows:

  • Software applications handle the multiple data received from satellites to calculate the accurate location of the person or vehicle and help to gain the desirable accuracy.
  • Software algorithms help to compensate for external influences like atmospheric conditions and interference. 
  • It filters out any errors or noises in the signal to improve the quality of the input signal.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How accurate are consumer-grade GPS devices compared to professional-grade ones?

A: Consumer-grade GPS devices are typically less accurate than professional-grade ones. Professional-grade GPS devices are built with higher-quality hardware and more advanced software algorithms, which enable them to achieve greater accuracy in tracking locations.

Q: How can I improve the accuracy of my GPS tracking device?

A: You can improve the accuracy of your Global Positioning System tracking device by ensuring that it has a clear line of sight to the sky, avoiding areas with obstructions and interference, upgrading to a higher-quality GPS device, and using software algorithms that are optimized for accuracy.

Q: How does GPS signal strength affect GPS tracking accuracy?

A: GPS signal strength can affect GPS tracking accuracy by causing errors in location data. A weak GPS signal can result in inaccurate or no readings, while a strong signal can result in more accurate and consistent location data.

Q: How do GPS navigation system accuracy and personal tracking relate to each other?

A: GPS navigation system accuracy is important in personal tracking because it affects the accuracy of location data collected and displayed. If a GPS navigation system is inaccurate, the location data being collected may also be inaccurate, compromising the effectiveness of personal tracking.


Global Positioning System technology enables remote monitoring and tracking of vehicles, assets, and people through advanced satellite communication. It ensures the safety of loved ones, particularly teens traveling alone in vehicles. However, external factors and device quality can affect the accuracy of location data provided by GPS devices, resulting in error margins that impact precision. This article will guide you on GPS accuracy, signal quality, device characteristics, and potential error causes to ensure precise data and device selection based on accuracy level.

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